Project Description
The violence of 2035 crushed the illusion of a powerless Information-State. We now know that the Second Siege of Sankt-Peterburg was enacted by three non-geo-located Information-States; the effect of the digital encirclement was a simple re-enactment of 1941. The attack on the city’s digital infrastructure propagated the total collapse of Sankt-Peterburg’s physical infrastructure.
In tracing the digital activity of InfoState Nevyy-Oktyabr, we have followed the group’s obsession with the legendary ‘Beowulf Cluster’. We had assumed the Beowulf Cluster was simply shorthand for any large slaved botnet. Late in 2055, however, our network forensics collaborators in Charlottesville came to the shocking understanding that Nevyy-Oktyabr’s concentrated decryption attacks seen in July 2049 through January 2050 originated from a single geo-located point.