Support YSoA

Endowment Funds

Dean’s Endowed Scholarship Fund
Ongoing support for scholarships for students with demonstrated need

Alexander Garvin Urban Studies Resource Fund
To name the Urban Studies Resource Center in honor of Alex Garvin and provide ongoing support for the Urban Studies program

Alec Purves Scholarship Fund
Ongoing support for students with demonstrated need, in honor of Professor Emeritus Alec Purves

Kent Bloomer Scholarship Fund
Ongoing support for students with demonstrated need, in memory of Professor Emeritus Kent Bloomer

Peter Eisenman Scholarship Fund
Ongoing support for students with demonstrated need, in honor of Peter Eisenman

Doreen Adengo Scholarship Fund
Ongoing support for scholarships for students with demonstrated need, in memory of Doreen Adengo, M.Arch 2005

Paul Brouard Fund
Ongoing support for summer fellowship working on the Jim Vlock First Year Building Project for a current student

MJ Long Fund
Ongoing support for scholarship(s) for students with demonstrated need in the memory of MJ Long, M.Arch 1964, and long-time faculty member

Charles Moore Building LAB Fund
Ongoing support for design-build projects beyond the first-year curriculum

Jim Vlock First Year Building Project Endowment
Ongoing support for the building project, including faculty, students, and materials

Architecture Class of 1972 Fund
Ongoing support for faculty at the School of Architecture

Architecture Class of 1989 Scholarship Fund
Ongoing support for scholarship(s) for students with demonstrated need.

Current Use Funds

Architecture Annual Fund – Unrestricted
Provides immediate support for greatest needs

Architecture Annual Fund – Financial Aid
Provides immediate support for financial aid

Architecture Annual Fund – Diversity | Equity | Inclusion
Provides immediate support for programs and scholarships encouraging D|E|I

Architecture First Year Building Project – Current Use
Provides immediate support for the building project annual budget

Center for Ecosystems in Architecture (CEA) – Current Use
Provides immediate support for CEA research, faculty, and post-graduate fellowships

Urban Studies Undergraduate Discretionary Fund (Arch)
Provides immediate support for the Urban Studies undergraduate program.

How to Give

Online: Click on any of the funds above to be directed to Yale’s online giving site.

By mail: Send your check with a memo on how you would like the gift directed to:

Yale School of Architecture: Development
PO Box 208242
New Haven CT 06520-8242

To make gift of stock or securities: Contact

To make wire transfer: Contact and be sure to include a notation in the transfer identifying your name and the purpose of the gift.

For more information on making a gift or other ways to support the Yale School of Architecture including bequests, real estate, or special assests, please contact:

Jill Siegel, Senior Director of Alumni Affairs and Development
Yale School of Architecture

The Yale School of Architecture is part of Yale University, a nonprofit organization, with Federal Tax-ID: 06-0646973

For more general information on giving to Yale, visit

Minerva Society

The Yale School of Architecture values its alumni, friends, and donors. With your engagement and generosity, you help to sustain and inspire a dynamic community dedicated to impacting the world through design.

In 2024, YSoA introduced the Minerva Society as a way to acknowledge the support of our most generous donors each year. Those who make an annual gift of $5,000 or more to any part of YSoA are invited to participate in Minerva Society activities and are encouraged to renew their giving each year to maintain their membership.

The name is inspired by the statue of Minerva which has long been a part of the school and today proudly stands in Rudolph Hall’s fourth floor pit. Minerva is the Roman goddess of intelligence, philosophy, craftsmanship, art, and inspiration—all of which are important characteristics for an architect, designer, or educator. Today, the YSoA Minerva also oversees the refereeing of badminton games.

Minerva Society members are invited to special in-person and virtual events throughout the year, including interaction with the dean, faculty, and students.

Minerva statue in the 4th floor pit at Rudolph Hall