Considering global infrastructure as a spatial operating system and a medium of polity, the course studies networks of trade, transportation, resources, communication, labor, tourism, energy, commerce and finance from the late 19th century to the present. Focused on the special political powers of large spatial/technical systems, lectures visit free zones and automated ports; hydrological, oil and solar landscapes; satellite, broadband and mobile telephony; high-speed rail; the internet; networks of labor and migration; international organizations; offshore financial centers; highways and airports; and the circulation of repeatable spatial products, standards and management platforms.

All Semesters

Spring 2023
Globalization Space: International Infrastructure and Extrastatecraft
Keller Easterling
Spring 2022
Globalization Space: International Infrastructure and Extrastatecraft
Keller Easterling
Spring 2020
Globalization Space: International Infrastructure and Extrastatecraft
Keller Easterling